The Ghoul Processional

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

On Friday night, we went to an event called the processional of the ghouls. A coworker told me about it, so I decided to try something new since I will only be here for one Halloween. It is at a huge cathedral here in the city. They show a silent movie while the church organist plays the sound effects and music for the show. The organist was so good. He didn't even had music. He was just watching the show and then would play. I am sure he practiced many times. Then at the end of the movie, people dressed up in ornate costumes start a processional down the aisle. It was quite the experience. The coolest part is that they fill the cathedral with smoke and use red floodlights to create the atmosphere. I would recommend it to anyone who is in New York City around Halloween time.


Christina Bond said...

Wow! For some reason it seems even more scary in a old church.

Lorie said...

That looks awesome and kind of scary. I'm so excited you decided to join the world of blogging!

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