Halloween in New York

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Well yesterday was Halloween. Our group of coworkers decided to dress up for work as James Bond and his crew (it was not my idea), so I dressed up in my Tuxedo and one of my other coworkers wore his tuxedo as well. The girl in our group was the "Bond Girl." I think we were the only people in the office to dress up, so it wasn't as cool as we thought it would be. I can't tell you all the looks we got in the elevators and subway.

So many people at work told us the best thing to do in New York is the Halloween Parade which takes place in Greenwich Village. Luckily one of my coworkers lives right above the street of the parade route. So when we got off of work we headed down to his place and had a little Halloween party before the parade started with some pizza. When the parade started we opened up the windows and had the perfect vantage point for the parade. It was kind of cool. There were some floats and just a bunch of people dressed up in really cool costumes. My favorite part of the parade was when about 50 people dressed up like Zombies danced to "Thriller" by Michael Jackson. They did the exact moves from the music video and it was really cool to see.

I decided I had a seen enough of it about an hour into the parade (the parade is three hours long), so I headed it. It was crazy with people everywhere on the streets down in the Village. It took me awhile to get home but it was still fun to see everyone's costumes. It was just one big party. It reminded me of Mardi Gras. Anyway, just one more interesting story from New York.


Rustino Scar said...

thriller was probably the best thing that happened to that parade. I liked that and the big skeleton guys at the beginning. You should be jealous that you didn't have to fight the crowds in the street for the whole time of the parade. That made for probably the most memorable part of the occasion!

Christina Bond said...

This is so great! You are getting to experience so many things that are unique to New York. I must admit I'm a little jealous.

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