Happy Halloween

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've never been really big into Halloween. It seems like I'm always scrambling for a costume last minute, which was once again the case this year. I was debating what to be and just couldn't think of anything. I was even considering just not going to the Halloween dance because I didn't have a decent costume. In the end my costume came out great after it evolved from what I planned earlier in the week. I ended up being the Love Doctor. I had a lot of fun with it. I had some candy prescription pills and a spray bottle of love potion no. 9. My favorite part was my clipboard where I provided free consultations and prescriptions for love. All in good fun of course. I decided I had already experienced the NYC Halloween parade last year and could skip it this year. It was a pretty laid back night. We just met up and had a casual dinner and then went to the Halloween dance. Here's some pictures of my costume and some of my friends costumes.
The Love Doctor is in. Don't mind the lipstick on my cheek and forehead.

Probably my favorite costume of the night: Marge Simpson.

Troop Manhattan Heels and Richard Simmons.

Me and my roommates. Edward Scissorhands and a streaker.


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